"I need You Lord, Oh I need You Lord. You are my Strength, You are my courage. Oh how I need You Lord, right here by my side this minute this day. Please give me peace, please give me strength to face the trails ahead of me. Please give me courage to fight onward, and never, never give up. Please help me to trust always, always in your unfailing love, look ever upward so I never stumble and fall.
So many times I take my eyes off of you, stop trusting and fall away. I fall away from you. My heart gets broken, my burden to heavy, to heavy to bear and my heart cries out with bitter tears "why haste thou forsaken me". But His ever tender reply to me "I've been here all along my child you just didn't look for me. I have never left you. I am always here".
Why did I stray away, why did I carry the burden so long when He was walking beside me all the way wanting and asking to carry the load, but I never stoped and listened to what He wanted to say.
Will you stop and listen to what He wants to say to you? Will you trust fully in His unfailing love? Will you let Him carry your load?
Jesus is knocking at your door
Jesus is knocking at the door of your heart
Let Him come in
Let Him come in
And ever abide"
(The lyrics to a song I wrote).
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