Monday, May 11, 2015

Does He Hear?

 The last couple days I was having a hard time...My mind felt like such a blur. And almost like I couldn't even think. I felt like I was falling apart.

  I had been praying and praying. But I didn't really feel like God was hearing me...

  Last night I slept outside on our porch under the stars. I was just laying there talking to my sweet Jesus when a thought came to mind that I had never really seen a falling star. So I prayed that God would send a falling star.
  A few minutes past and I kinda forgot till I was about to go to sleep when I remembered and said to myself "No, Jesus is going to show me a falling star. I have to wait up to see it." And right away, right where I was looking I saw a falling star. My mouth dropped. I lay there stunned for longer than just a second!
He heard! 
He cared!
As tears streamed down my face all I could say was "Thank you, Jesus! Thank you!"

It was than I was assured that He does hear me and He is answering my prayer...

  Though my eyes be filled with tears. My mind feels like a blur. I feel alone. And I feel like I'm falling apart. I feel like He is right by my side holding me in His arms. And I am not alone...not at all!