Monday, September 30, 2013

Bring Jesus Into the Home

"Day by day there's Someone who knocks upon our door. For He delights to enter our home though rich or poor, a cottage tent or mansion, it matters not at all, for God is seeking hearts and homes, that open to His call. Do you hear His knocking? Christ calls to us today. Have we surrendered our hearts to heavens will and way? If we invite His presence, what joy can He compare? To have within our family, that costly Pearl so rare. Jesus wants to join us in every daily task. In work and school to grant us the spirit that we ask. Christ wants to be the sunshine, that brightens up our hearts to shine out through our family, to every home on earth.  --Bring Jesus into the home. Let His fragrance fill each room. Let His peace and joy pervade each heart and drive away the gloom. Let the smile of His face, and the wonder of His grace, Be the life we choose to trace within our Home". -Lauralea Leffler

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