"Christ made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men." Phil. 2:7
"How many there are who accept Christ and apparently live a Christian life, until their circumstances change! Perhaps they come into the possession of property. Thous God tests them, to see if they will be wise stewards. But they fail to endure the proving. They use for self-gratification that which they should devore to feeding the hungry and clothing the naked. In want and distress, God's children are calling to Him. Many are dying for want of the necessaries of life....
There is a world to be warned. To us has been entrusted this work. At any cost we must practice the truth. We are to stand as self-sacrificing minutemen, willing to suffer the loss of life itself, if need be, in the service of God. There is a great work to be done in a short time...Everyone who is finally crowned citor will, by noble, determined effort to serve God, have earned the right to be clothes with Christ's righteousness. To enter the crusade against Satan, bearing aloft the bloodstained banner of the cross of Christ--this is the duty of every Christian...
The most difficult sermon to preach and the hardest to practice is self-denial. The greedy sinner, self, closes the door to the good which might be done, but which is not done because money is invested for selfish purposes. But it is impossible for anyone to retain the favor of God and enjoy communion with the Saviour, and at the same time be indifferent to the interests of his fellow beings who have no life in Christ, who are perishing in their sins.
Christ has left us a wonderful example of self-sacrifice. He pleased not Himself, but spent His life in the service of others. He made sacrifices at every step, sacrifices in which none of His followers can ever make, because they have never occupied the position He occupied before He came to this earth. He was commander of the heavenly hosts, but He came here to suffer for sinners. He was rich, yet for our sakes He became poor, that through His poverty we might be made rich. Because He loved us, He laid aside His glory and took upon Him the form of a servant. He gave His life for us. What are we giving Him?!
As we follow Him in the path of self-denial, lifting the cross and bearing it after Him to His Father's home, we shall reveal in our lives the beauty of the Christ-life. At the alter of self-sacrifice--the appointed place of meeting between God and the soul--we receive from the hand of God the celestial torch which searches the heart, revealing the need of an abiding Christ."
--Review and Herald, Jan. 31, 1907
Monday, September 30, 2013
Bring Jesus Into the Home
"Day by day there's Someone who knocks upon our door. For He delights to enter our home though rich or poor, a cottage tent or mansion, it matters not at all, for God is seeking hearts and homes, that open to His call. Do you hear His knocking? Christ calls to us today. Have we surrendered our hearts to heavens will and way? If we invite His presence, what joy can He compare? To have within our family, that costly Pearl so rare. Jesus wants to join us in every daily task. In work and school to grant us the spirit that we ask. Christ wants to be the sunshine, that brightens up our hearts to shine out through our family, to every home on earth. --Bring Jesus into the home. Let His fragrance fill each room. Let His peace and joy pervade each heart and drive away the gloom. Let the smile of His face, and the wonder of His grace, Be the life we choose to trace within our Home". -Lauralea Leffler
Friday, September 27, 2013
Jesus, Lover of My Soul
Jesus, lover of my soul,
Let me to Thy bosom fly,
While the billows near me roll,
While the tempest still is high.
Hide me, O my Saviour, hide,
Till the storm of life be past;
Safe into haven guide;
Oh, receive my soul at last!
Other refuge have I none;
Hangs my helpless soul on Thee;
Leave, O leave me not alone!
Still support and comfort me.
All my trust on Thee I bring;
Cover my defenseless head
With the shadow of They wing.
Thou, O Christ, art all I want,
More than all in Thee I find;
Raise the fallen, cheer the faint,
Heal the sick and lead the blind.
Just and holy is Thy name,
I am all unrighteousness;
Vile and full of sin I am,
Thou art full of truth and grace.
Plenteous grace with Thee is found--
Grace to cover all my sin;
Let the healing streams abound;
Make and keep me pure within.
Thou of life the Fountain art,
Freely let me take of Thee;
Spring Thou up within my heart,
Rise to all eternity!
-C. Wesley
Thursday, September 26, 2013
"He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty; and he that ruleth his spirit than he that taketh a city." "He has conquered self--the strongest foe man has to meet.
The highest evidence of nobility in a Christian is self-control. He who can stand unmoved amid a storm of abuse is one of God's heroes.
To rule the spirit is to keep self under discipline; to resist evil; to regulate every word and deed by God's great standard of righteousness. He who has learned to rule his spirit will rise above the slights, the rebuffs, the annoyances, to which we are daily exposed, and these will cease to cast a gloom over his spirit.
It is God's purpose that the kingly power of sanctified reason, controlled by divine grace, shall bear sway in the lives of human beings. He who rules his spirit is in possession of this power.
Power of Self-control
In childhood and youth the character is most impressible. The power of self-control should then be acquired. By the fireside and at the family board influences are exerted the results of which are as enduring as eternity. More than any natural endowment, the habits established in early years will decide whether a man shall be victorious or vanquished in the battle of life.
In the use of language, there is, perhaps, no error that old and young are more ready to pass over lightly in themselves than hasty, impatient speech. They think it is a sufficient excuse to plead, "I was off my guard, and did not really mean what I said." But God's Word does not treat it lightly. The Scripture says: "Seest thou a man that is hasty in his words? there is more hope of a fool than of him." "He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls."
The largest share of life's annoyances, its heartaches, its irritations, is due to uncontrolled temper. In one moment, by hasty, passionate, careless words, may be wrought evil that a whole lifetime's repentance cannot undo. Oh, the hearts that are broken, the friends estranged, the lives wrecked, by the harsh, hasty words of those who might have brought help and healing!
Overwork sometimes causes a loss of self-control. But the Lord never compels hurried, complicated movements. Many gather to themselves burdens that the merciful Heavenly Father did not place on them. Duties He never designed them to perform chase one another wildly. God desires us o realize that we do not glorify HIs name when we take so many burdens that we are overtaxed, and, be coming heart-weary and brain-weary, chafe and fret and scold. We are to bear only the responsibilities that the Lord gives us, trusting in Him, and thus keeping our hearts pure and sweet and sympathetic.
Ruling the Spirit
There is a wonderful power in silence. When impatient words are spoken to you, do not retaliate. Words spoken in reply to one who is angry usually act as a whip, lashing the temper into greater fury. But anger met by silence quickly dies away. Let the Christian bridle his tongue, firmly resolving not to speak harsh, impatient words. With the tongue bridled, he may be victorious in every trial of patience through which he is called to pass.
In his own strength man cannot rule his spirit. But through Christ he may gain self-control. In His strength he may bring his thoughts and words into subjection to the will of God. The religion of Christ brings the emotions under the control of reason and disciplines the tongue. Under its influence the hasty temper is subdued, and the heart is fill with patience and gentleness.
Hold firmly to the ONe who has all power in heaven and in earth. Though you so often fail to reveal patience and calmness, do not give up the struggle. Resolve again, this time more firmly, to be patient under every provocation. And never take your eyes off your divine Example." Review and Herald, Oct. 31, 1907.
No Excuse for Sinning
"The tempter's agency is not to be accounted an excuse for one wrong act. Satan is jubilant when he hears the professed followers of Christ making excuses for their deformity of character. It is these excuses that lead to sin. There is no excuse for sinning. A holy temper, a Christlike life, is accessible by every repenting, believing child of God." The Desire of Ages, p. 311
The highest evidence of nobility in a Christian is self-control. He who can stand unmoved amid a storm of abuse is one of God's heroes.
To rule the spirit is to keep self under discipline; to resist evil; to regulate every word and deed by God's great standard of righteousness. He who has learned to rule his spirit will rise above the slights, the rebuffs, the annoyances, to which we are daily exposed, and these will cease to cast a gloom over his spirit.
It is God's purpose that the kingly power of sanctified reason, controlled by divine grace, shall bear sway in the lives of human beings. He who rules his spirit is in possession of this power.
Power of Self-control
In childhood and youth the character is most impressible. The power of self-control should then be acquired. By the fireside and at the family board influences are exerted the results of which are as enduring as eternity. More than any natural endowment, the habits established in early years will decide whether a man shall be victorious or vanquished in the battle of life.
In the use of language, there is, perhaps, no error that old and young are more ready to pass over lightly in themselves than hasty, impatient speech. They think it is a sufficient excuse to plead, "I was off my guard, and did not really mean what I said." But God's Word does not treat it lightly. The Scripture says: "Seest thou a man that is hasty in his words? there is more hope of a fool than of him." "He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls."
The largest share of life's annoyances, its heartaches, its irritations, is due to uncontrolled temper. In one moment, by hasty, passionate, careless words, may be wrought evil that a whole lifetime's repentance cannot undo. Oh, the hearts that are broken, the friends estranged, the lives wrecked, by the harsh, hasty words of those who might have brought help and healing!
Overwork sometimes causes a loss of self-control. But the Lord never compels hurried, complicated movements. Many gather to themselves burdens that the merciful Heavenly Father did not place on them. Duties He never designed them to perform chase one another wildly. God desires us o realize that we do not glorify HIs name when we take so many burdens that we are overtaxed, and, be coming heart-weary and brain-weary, chafe and fret and scold. We are to bear only the responsibilities that the Lord gives us, trusting in Him, and thus keeping our hearts pure and sweet and sympathetic.
Ruling the Spirit
There is a wonderful power in silence. When impatient words are spoken to you, do not retaliate. Words spoken in reply to one who is angry usually act as a whip, lashing the temper into greater fury. But anger met by silence quickly dies away. Let the Christian bridle his tongue, firmly resolving not to speak harsh, impatient words. With the tongue bridled, he may be victorious in every trial of patience through which he is called to pass.
In his own strength man cannot rule his spirit. But through Christ he may gain self-control. In His strength he may bring his thoughts and words into subjection to the will of God. The religion of Christ brings the emotions under the control of reason and disciplines the tongue. Under its influence the hasty temper is subdued, and the heart is fill with patience and gentleness.
Hold firmly to the ONe who has all power in heaven and in earth. Though you so often fail to reveal patience and calmness, do not give up the struggle. Resolve again, this time more firmly, to be patient under every provocation. And never take your eyes off your divine Example." Review and Herald, Oct. 31, 1907.
No Excuse for Sinning
"The tempter's agency is not to be accounted an excuse for one wrong act. Satan is jubilant when he hears the professed followers of Christ making excuses for their deformity of character. It is these excuses that lead to sin. There is no excuse for sinning. A holy temper, a Christlike life, is accessible by every repenting, believing child of God." The Desire of Ages, p. 311
Monday, September 23, 2013
What True Surrender to God Involves
"And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent." John 17:3.
"Wait not for some magical change to be wrought in you, without taking the requisite steps yourself. Life must be with you a humble working out your own salvation with fear and trembling, fir it is God that worketh in you to will and to do of His good pleasure. Halt not, but escape for your life....
Christ requires that we shall press together, that we shall be one with Him as He is one with the Father. You must depend on God, be disciplined and trained for the higher life. Yes, depend on God; wait His pleasure; follow Him; rely in obedience on the strength of His Word.
To obey when it seems the hardest is true surrender to God. This will quicken your moral nature and subdue your pride. Learn to submit your will to God's will, and you will be made meet for inheritance of the saints in light."--Manuscript 12, 1888.
"A general faith is not enough. We must put on the robe of Christ's righteousness and wear it openly, bravely, decidedly, exhibiting Christ, and not expect too much of finite man, but keep looking unto Jesus, and become ravished with the perfections of His character. Then we shall individually make manifest the character of Jesus, and make it evident that we are invigorated by the truth; because it sanctifies the soul and brings into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ."--Letter 14, 1891
"Every missionary will have hard battles to fight with self, and these combats will not become fewer. But if we are constantly growing in Christian experience, if we continue to look to Jesus in faith, strength will be given us for every emergency. All the powers and faculties of a regenerated nature must be brought into constant, daily exercise. Every day we shall have occasion to crucify self, to war against inclination and a preserve temperament that would draw the will in a wrong direction. The repose and triumph of victory are not yet ours, except as we by faith enter into the victory that Christ has gained for us." --Letter 4, 1892
"The promises of God accepted in genuine faith have a fragrant influence upon the life and the character, making the human agent to reflect the image of the Divine...God works on His part....,imparting grace to the one who imparts in his life the graces given him in representing genuine sanctification to the world in his own character."--Manuscript 45, 1900.
"Wait not for some magical change to be wrought in you, without taking the requisite steps yourself. Life must be with you a humble working out your own salvation with fear and trembling, fir it is God that worketh in you to will and to do of His good pleasure. Halt not, but escape for your life....
Christ requires that we shall press together, that we shall be one with Him as He is one with the Father. You must depend on God, be disciplined and trained for the higher life. Yes, depend on God; wait His pleasure; follow Him; rely in obedience on the strength of His Word.
To obey when it seems the hardest is true surrender to God. This will quicken your moral nature and subdue your pride. Learn to submit your will to God's will, and you will be made meet for inheritance of the saints in light."--Manuscript 12, 1888.
"A general faith is not enough. We must put on the robe of Christ's righteousness and wear it openly, bravely, decidedly, exhibiting Christ, and not expect too much of finite man, but keep looking unto Jesus, and become ravished with the perfections of His character. Then we shall individually make manifest the character of Jesus, and make it evident that we are invigorated by the truth; because it sanctifies the soul and brings into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ."--Letter 14, 1891
"Every missionary will have hard battles to fight with self, and these combats will not become fewer. But if we are constantly growing in Christian experience, if we continue to look to Jesus in faith, strength will be given us for every emergency. All the powers and faculties of a regenerated nature must be brought into constant, daily exercise. Every day we shall have occasion to crucify self, to war against inclination and a preserve temperament that would draw the will in a wrong direction. The repose and triumph of victory are not yet ours, except as we by faith enter into the victory that Christ has gained for us." --Letter 4, 1892
"The promises of God accepted in genuine faith have a fragrant influence upon the life and the character, making the human agent to reflect the image of the Divine...God works on His part....,imparting grace to the one who imparts in his life the graces given him in representing genuine sanctification to the world in his own character."--Manuscript 45, 1900.
Sunday, September 22, 2013
Faithful in That Which is Least
”He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much.”
It is conscientious attention to what the world terms “little things” that makes life a success. Little deeds of charity, little acts of self-denial, speaking simple words of helpfulness, watching against little sins,–this is Christianity. A grateful acknowledgment of daily blessings, a wise improvement of daily opportunities, a diligent cultivation of intrusted talents,–this is what the Master calls for.
He who faithfully performs small duties will be prepared to answer the demands of larger responsibilities. The man who is kind and courteous in the daily life, who is generous and forbearing in his family, whose constant aim it is to make home happy, will be the first to deny self and make sacrifices when the Master calls.
A Well-Balanced Character
We may be willing to give our property to the cause of God, but this will not count unless we give Him also a heart of love and gratitude. Those who would be true missionaries in foreign fields must first be true missionaries in the home. Those who desire to work in the Master’s vineyard must prepare themselves for this by a careful cultivation of the little piece of vineyard He has intrusted to their care.
As a man “thinketh in his heart, so is he.” Many thoughts make up the unwritten history of a single day; and these thoughts have much to do with the formation of character. Our thoughts are to be strictly guarded; for one impure thought makes a deep impression on the soul. An evil thought leaves an evil impress on the mind. If the thoughts are pure and holy, the man is better for having cherished them. By them the spiritual pulse is quickened, and the power for doing good is increased. And as one drop of rain prepares the way for another in moistening the earth, so one good thought prepares the way for another. {MYP 144.1}
The longest journey is performed by taking one step at a time. A succession of steps brings us to the end of the road. The longest chain is composed of separate links. If one of these links is faulty, the chain is worthless. Thus it is with character. A well-balanced character is formed by single acts well performed. One defect, cultivated instead of being overcome, makes the man imperfect, and closes against him the gate of the Holy City. He who enters heaven must have a character that is without spot or wrinkle or any such thing. Naught that defileth can ever enter there. In all the redeemed host not one defect will be seen.
Faithfulness in Everyday Life God’s work is perfect as a whole because it is perfect in every part, however minute. He fashions the tiny spear of grass with as much care as He would exercise in making a world. If we desire to be perfect, even as our Father in heaven is perfect, we must be faithful in doing little things. That which is worth doing at all is worth doing well. Whatever your work may be, do it faithfully. Speak the truth in regard to the smallest matters. Each day do loving deeds and speak cheerful words. Scatter smiles along the pathway of life. As you work in this way, God will place His approval on you, and Christ will one day say to you, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant.”
At the day of judgment, those who have been faithful in their everyday life, who have been quick to see their work and do it, not thinking of praise or profit, will hear the words, “Come, ye blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.” Christ does not commend them for the eloquent orations they have made, the intellectual power they have displayed, or the liberal donations they have given. It is for doing little things which are generally overlooked that they are rewarded. “I was an hungered, and ye gave Me meat,” He says. “Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these My brethren, ye have done it unto Me.”–The Youth’s Instructor, January 17, 1901
Just to Be Your Friend....
I am not asking for very much
Though to you it may seem my plan;
But right now, all I want is your life to touch
With a caring, tender hand.
To be that listening ear
That listens to all you have to say;
To be someone that will be near
And for you in humble heart pray.
To sing the song of your heart
When the words and tune you’ve lost;
To encourage you to reach the mark
Of a godly life no matter the cost.
Not to be someone that pulls you down
Or takes the place of the Lord;
But to remind you of the Friend you’ve found
In Jesus who has overcome the world.
I reach my hand out to thee
But your hand is still by your side;
I hope you’ll reach back to me
But it seems to me you don’t mind.
I only want to be your friend
Nothing more do I ask right now;
For the rest is in God’s hand
And He knows best and how.
To show you that someone cares
No matter what you’ve done or will become;
Who cherishes you and joy shares
And the Christian race to run.
So, will you reach back by and by
And answers to my hopeful call;
Of blooming the friendship tie
And together in Him stand true and tall?
I ask for nothing more, you see
To be to you a true friend;
On sunny or cloudy days to be
Someone on who you can depend…
For the rest is in God’s hands
To fulfill as He sees best;
So I leave it up to Him to plan
But to be just your friend, I’ll be blessed!
By: Sabrina Kae Oliver
May 25th, 2012
Though to you it may seem my plan;
But right now, all I want is your life to touch
With a caring, tender hand.
To be that listening ear
That listens to all you have to say;
To be someone that will be near
And for you in humble heart pray.
To sing the song of your heart
When the words and tune you’ve lost;
To encourage you to reach the mark
Of a godly life no matter the cost.
Not to be someone that pulls you down
Or takes the place of the Lord;
But to remind you of the Friend you’ve found
In Jesus who has overcome the world.
I reach my hand out to thee
But your hand is still by your side;
I hope you’ll reach back to me
But it seems to me you don’t mind.
I only want to be your friend
Nothing more do I ask right now;
For the rest is in God’s hand
And He knows best and how.
To show you that someone cares
No matter what you’ve done or will become;
Who cherishes you and joy shares
And the Christian race to run.
So, will you reach back by and by
And answers to my hopeful call;
Of blooming the friendship tie
And together in Him stand true and tall?
I ask for nothing more, you see
To be to you a true friend;
On sunny or cloudy days to be
Someone on who you can depend…
For the rest is in God’s hands
To fulfill as He sees best;
So I leave it up to Him to plan
But to be just your friend, I’ll be blessed!
By: Sabrina Kae Oliver
May 25th, 2012
My Front Porch View
In the early morning hours,
I gather up my Bible
and head out to my porch,
Where I am anything but idle.
I see God's mercies
And hear the sounds,
Of His glory and beauty
All around!
I look up
and there I see
a Rabbit running
wild and free.
He pauses here
and dashes there,
I see God's Wonders
Worship begins
to fill my heart,
I read His Word
and my day does start.
I ponder as
the trees I see,
dancing in the wind
So blissful and free!
My spirit is alive
and Praise begins,
Father your Creation
brings a Hallowed Amen!
I look up
And see the sky,
all colors of blue,
White clouds floating by.
My spirit soars
As I read His Word,
I know beyond a doubt,
My prayers are being heard.
My front porch
has become a Sanctuary,
Where I meet my God
And there we tarry.
Surrounded by the Glory
of the Living King,
My Spirit rejoices,
and Inside Praises ring.
Each day I meet
My God out there,
On my Front Porch
Where He makes me aware!
And Through His eyes
I suddenly see,
That Nature was meant
To restore You and Me!
Lord you have created
This World for us,
Let us not miss the blessings
And in You, put our trust.
Wildlife, trees,
Flowers in bloom,
You have arranged all this
So doubt has no room!
It thrills my soul,
When a deer strolls by,
Those deep dark eyes,
All their needs, You supply!
I thank you
for my front porch view,
Where I sit and ponder
And share my thoughts with You!
© Mary Ann Trott, Alberta
July 21, 2011
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Ye, Did it Unto The Least of These
We’re in a world so busy
People running everywhere.
Forever looking at our watches
Our minds racing with cares.
We never see that lonely man
Sitting on the street.
We don’t even notice that hungry lady
Struggling in the heat.
Children so needy
Filled with despair.
An old grandma rocking sadly
And no one cares.
We must remember
Jesus left us with a plea…
“Ye did unto the least of these
my brethren, ye did it unto me.”
So what about you?
What about me?
What about the lonely man
Sitting on the street?
Will you reach out
Without a shadow of doubt?
Will you love the least of these
And fulfill Jesus’ plea?
A smile for the lonely man sitting on the street.
A bit of food for the hungry lady struggling in the heat.
A hug for the children so full of despair.
A cheery voice for the old Grandma in the rocking chair.
This seems so simple
Such an easy thing to do.
Let’s reach out for the least of these
And for Jesus too.
© Danita Pergerson
July 1990
Because Of You
Because You picked me up, when I struggled to get through.
Because You healed my heart, when it was thrown and shattered.
Because You gave me hope, when it seemed so out of reach.
Because You filled me with peace, when chaos flowed through my veins.
Because You showed me the light, when there was only darkness.
Because You gave me comfort, when my voice cried out in pain.
Because You reassured me, when the doubts screamed in my head.
Because You kept me going, when there seemed nowhere to go.
Because You sustained me with strength, when weakness became all I knew.
Because You came and stayed, when everyone else turned around and left.
Because You gave me a purpose, when life seemed so pointless.
Because You restored my happiness, when life seemed to snatch it away.
Because You filled this emptiness, when the void echoed with loneliness.
Because You helped me let it all go, when I gripped the tightest to hold on.
Because You showed me the beauty of life, when the world showed me nothing but hate and corruption.
Because You healed my heart, when it was thrown and shattered.
Because You gave me hope, when it seemed so out of reach.
Because You filled me with peace, when chaos flowed through my veins.
Because You showed me the light, when there was only darkness.
Because You gave me comfort, when my voice cried out in pain.
Because You reassured me, when the doubts screamed in my head.
Because You kept me going, when there seemed nowhere to go.
Because You sustained me with strength, when weakness became all I knew.
Because You came and stayed, when everyone else turned around and left.
Because You gave me a purpose, when life seemed so pointless.
Because You restored my happiness, when life seemed to snatch it away.
Because You filled this emptiness, when the void echoed with loneliness.
Because You helped me let it all go, when I gripped the tightest to hold on.
Because You showed me the beauty of life, when the world showed me nothing but hate and corruption.
Because You gave me a better life, when the old one fought to come back.
Because I am nothing without You, nothing but a hopeless being.
Because only You could tear down my wall of pride, and instead build it back up with love and humbleness.
Because of all this, I give you my life Lord.
I will put all my fears and failures in Your hands, my worries that consume me, my pain that destroys me.
You were always there, even when I rejected You.
Because of all You are, my life, oh God, is yours.
Because I am nothing without You, nothing but a hopeless being.
Because only You could tear down my wall of pride, and instead build it back up with love and humbleness.
Because of all this, I give you my life Lord.
I will put all my fears and failures in Your hands, my worries that consume me, my pain that destroys me.
You were always there, even when I rejected You.
Because of all You are, my life, oh God, is yours.
© Jacqueline Burciaga
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
A Work of Purification Needed
This morning I read in the book "Selected Messages" by Ellen G. White during my devotions, chapter 48, page 376-. It was a real blessing to me and I wanted to share it.
"Dear Brethren,
For weeks I have not been able to sleep after half past three o'clock. My mind is deeply exercised in regard to our condition as a people. We ought to be far in advance of any other people on the earth because we have greater light and greater knowledge of the truth, which lays us under increased accountability to advance that light and not only to profess to believe the truth but to practice it. When we do practice the truth we are ten following Jesus, who is the light of the world; and if we as a people are not constantly elevating, becoming more and more spiritual minded, we are becoming like Pharisees--self-righteous--while we do not the will of God.
We must have a greater nearness to God. Much less of self and much more of Jesus Christ and His grace must be brought into our EVERYDAY life. We are living in an important period of this world's history. The end of all things is at hand; the sands of time are fast running out; soon in heaven it will be said: "It is done" (Rev. 21:6) "He that is holy, let him be holy still", "he which is filthy, let him be filthy still" (Rev. 22: 11).
Let our testimonies be sharpened; let us have a firmer hold on God. I cannot refrain from prayer at one, two, and three o'clock in the morning for the Lord to work upon the hearts of the people. I think of all heaven being interested in the work that is going on upon the earth. Ministering angels are waiting about the throne to instantly obey the mandate of Jesus Christ to answer every prayer offered in earnest, living faith. I think of how many who profess the truth are keeping it apart from their lives. They do not bring its sanctifying, refining, spiritualizing power into their hearts...
Living Below Our Privileges
We are far from being the people God would have us to be, because we do not elevate the soul and refine the character in harmony with the wonderful unfolding of God's truth and His purposes. "Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people" (Prov. 14:34). Sin is a disorganizer. Wherever it is cherished--in there is disorder, strife, variance, enmity, envy, jealousy, because of enemy of man and of God has the controlling power over the mind. But let the truth be loved and brought into the life, as well as advocated, and that man or woman will hate sin and will be a living representative of Jesus Christ to the world.
The people claiming to believe the truth will not be condemned because they had not the light, but because they had great light and did not bring their hearts to the test of God's great moral standard of righteousness. The people who claim to believe the truth must be elevated by living it out. Real Bible religion must leaven the life, refine and ennoble the character, making it more and more like the divine model. Then will the home be vocal with prayer, with thanksgiving and praise to God. Angels will minister in the home and accompany the worshiper to the house of prayer.
Let the churches who claim to believe the truth, who are advocating the law of God, keep that law and depart from all iniquity. Let the individual members of the church resist the temptations to practice evils and indulge in sin. Let the church commence the work of purification before God by repentance, humiliation, deep heart searching, for we are in the antitypical day of atonement--solemn hour fraught with eternal results.
Let those who teach the truth present it as it is in Jesus. Under the subduing, sanctifying, refining influence would go forth from them to the world! Let the individual members of the church be pure, steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the love of Jesus, and they will then be a light to the world. Let the men standing as watchmen and as shepherds of the flock proclaim the solemn truth, sound the note s of warning to all people, nations, and tongues. Let them be living representatives of the truth they advocate, and honor God's law by strict and holy compliance with its requirements, walking before the Lord in purity, in holiness, and a power will attend the proclamation of the truth that will reflect light everywhere."
"Dear Brethren,
For weeks I have not been able to sleep after half past three o'clock. My mind is deeply exercised in regard to our condition as a people. We ought to be far in advance of any other people on the earth because we have greater light and greater knowledge of the truth, which lays us under increased accountability to advance that light and not only to profess to believe the truth but to practice it. When we do practice the truth we are ten following Jesus, who is the light of the world; and if we as a people are not constantly elevating, becoming more and more spiritual minded, we are becoming like Pharisees--self-righteous--while we do not the will of God.
We must have a greater nearness to God. Much less of self and much more of Jesus Christ and His grace must be brought into our EVERYDAY life. We are living in an important period of this world's history. The end of all things is at hand; the sands of time are fast running out; soon in heaven it will be said: "It is done" (Rev. 21:6) "He that is holy, let him be holy still", "he which is filthy, let him be filthy still" (Rev. 22: 11).
Let our testimonies be sharpened; let us have a firmer hold on God. I cannot refrain from prayer at one, two, and three o'clock in the morning for the Lord to work upon the hearts of the people. I think of all heaven being interested in the work that is going on upon the earth. Ministering angels are waiting about the throne to instantly obey the mandate of Jesus Christ to answer every prayer offered in earnest, living faith. I think of how many who profess the truth are keeping it apart from their lives. They do not bring its sanctifying, refining, spiritualizing power into their hearts...
Living Below Our Privileges
We are far from being the people God would have us to be, because we do not elevate the soul and refine the character in harmony with the wonderful unfolding of God's truth and His purposes. "Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people" (Prov. 14:34). Sin is a disorganizer. Wherever it is cherished--in there is disorder, strife, variance, enmity, envy, jealousy, because of enemy of man and of God has the controlling power over the mind. But let the truth be loved and brought into the life, as well as advocated, and that man or woman will hate sin and will be a living representative of Jesus Christ to the world.
The people claiming to believe the truth will not be condemned because they had not the light, but because they had great light and did not bring their hearts to the test of God's great moral standard of righteousness. The people who claim to believe the truth must be elevated by living it out. Real Bible religion must leaven the life, refine and ennoble the character, making it more and more like the divine model. Then will the home be vocal with prayer, with thanksgiving and praise to God. Angels will minister in the home and accompany the worshiper to the house of prayer.
Let the churches who claim to believe the truth, who are advocating the law of God, keep that law and depart from all iniquity. Let the individual members of the church resist the temptations to practice evils and indulge in sin. Let the church commence the work of purification before God by repentance, humiliation, deep heart searching, for we are in the antitypical day of atonement--solemn hour fraught with eternal results.
Let those who teach the truth present it as it is in Jesus. Under the subduing, sanctifying, refining influence would go forth from them to the world! Let the individual members of the church be pure, steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the love of Jesus, and they will then be a light to the world. Let the men standing as watchmen and as shepherds of the flock proclaim the solemn truth, sound the note s of warning to all people, nations, and tongues. Let them be living representatives of the truth they advocate, and honor God's law by strict and holy compliance with its requirements, walking before the Lord in purity, in holiness, and a power will attend the proclamation of the truth that will reflect light everywhere."
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Wit's End Corner
Are you standing at “Wit’s End Corner,”
Christian, with troubled brow?
Are you thinking of what is before you,
And all you are bearing now?
Does all the world seem against you,
And you in the battle alone?
Remember—at “Wit’s End Corner”
Is just where God’s power is shown.
Are you standing at “Wit’s End Corner,”
Blinded with wearying pain,
Feeling you cannot endure it,
You cannot bear the strain,
Bruised through the constant suffering,
Dizzy, and dazed, and numb?
Remember—at “Wit’s End Corner”
Is where Jesus loves to come.
Are you standing at “Wit’s End Corner”?
Your work before you spread,
All lying begun, unfinished,
And pressing on heart and head,
Longing for strength to do it,
Stretching out trembling hands?
Remember—at. “Wit’s End Corner”
The Burden-bearer stands.
Are you standing at “Wit’s End Corner”?
Then you’re just in the very spot
To learn the wondrous resources
Of Him who faileth not:
No doubt to a brighter pathway
Your footsteps will soon be moved,
But only at “Wit’s End Corner”
Is the “God who is able” proved.
—Antoinette Wilson
Letting Go...
When you know you must let go
And walk away maybe forever:
What will happen you don’t know
But to look back you must never.
You must lay it all down
And let Jesus have full control;
Know the peace that in Him is found
Trusting through all, your joy will be full.
You must realize what matters
What’s most important to you;
And let fall to the ground those fetters
So you may be free and found true.
You must let God have the pen
Letting Him write your story;
Not only in word, my friend
But in action ever to give Him glory.
After letting go of my dream
Willing for anything to come;
It wasn’t as hard as it first did seem
And as easy as to some.
Oh but the joy that fills my heart
No word can be spoken to tell;
It wasn’t there to start
But Jesus knew all would be well!
By: Sabrina Kae Oliver
September 9th, 2012
God Has a Plan
Before me lies the unknown
A road to be traveled, yet not alone;
What shall come my way
Of that, I cannot see today.
Even though I can’t see
What tomorrow holds for me;
There is One, Maker of all
Jesus, to Him I answer the call.
It’s not to know the future
Or what shall come for sure;
But only to trust Him in the dark
And to reach the high mark.
God has a plan
Of which I don’t understand;
But it is alright, you see
Because He is holding me.
It’s not that I need to know
Just how things will go;
But that He is ever holding my hand
And He will fulfill His perfect plan.
By: Sabrina Kae Oliver
September 1st, 2013
Monday, September 16, 2013
Live The Word
Verse 1: Today we're one day closer to heaven's pearly gates, we're nearing Jesus coming and all of heaven waits, for families to reflect Him in thought and word and deed, to find in Him their everything and grace for every need.
Verse 2: In every interaction at home and far abroad, let Jesus be our motto, our life, our friend, our God. In every word that's spoken let others hear His voice, let every footstep that we take make Jesus heart rejoice!
Verse 3: Yes we can change our corner of this sin burdened world. We'll live the Bible's pages, see heavens love unfurled. With Jesus living through us, our lives reflect His love! Our homes built on the blueprint of the family above!
Chorus: Live the Word! Spread His Love! Let every creature proclaim that our God reigns above. Live the Word! Spread His Love! Till our homes reflect the Home above.
- Hannah Rayne/Sean Nebblet
Lets start today in doing our part in making our families reflect Jesus!
(That song brings back so many wonderful memories!)
Verse 2: In every interaction at home and far abroad, let Jesus be our motto, our life, our friend, our God. In every word that's spoken let others hear His voice, let every footstep that we take make Jesus heart rejoice!
Verse 3: Yes we can change our corner of this sin burdened world. We'll live the Bible's pages, see heavens love unfurled. With Jesus living through us, our lives reflect His love! Our homes built on the blueprint of the family above!
Chorus: Live the Word! Spread His Love! Let every creature proclaim that our God reigns above. Live the Word! Spread His Love! Till our homes reflect the Home above.
- Hannah Rayne/Sean Nebblet
Lets start today in doing our part in making our families reflect Jesus!
(That song brings back so many wonderful memories!)
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