Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Filled With Him?

  Have you ever had some "friends" that you were so excited to see. And as the time grew nearer your excitement grew. Finally the day came. You went with excitement to see them and you thought that feeling was mutual.
  With excitement you greeted them but for some reason they didn't share in the excitement. Instead they walked away as if you were a total stranger.

  Standing alone...You see them coming, Maybe now they will include me and not put me off... But they simply walk by as if you don't exist.

  What happened? What was wrong? What had you done?
The questions seemed to flood your mind.

  I remember many instances when I was younger where I cried myself to sleep because the people I thought were my friends turned out not to be my friends at all.

  These instances have always made me think "What would Jesus do?" "Am I treating others truly how I would want to be treated?" "Have I treated others like these "friends" have treated me?"

  But as much as it hurt I don't hold bitterness to these instances or the people they involved.
It has only made me want to reach out to everyone who has been judged or sluffed off and make sure I wasn't excluding people from the "click".

  So often we judge others and if they do not size up to our standards or expectations we sluff them off as if they aren't humans just like us.

  Have you read anywhere where Christ did not treat someone with the deepest love and tenderness? Of course not!
  I've often wondered why people can't just be friends with anyone. No matter what race, age, size, status, standards, denomination, mutual friends, name and so on.

Christ is our example. And His example is quite clear.

 The world is watching us. Are we showing the world what true Christianity is looks like? We may think no one is watching. But your every act, every word, every thought is being recorded and determining your destiny.

We are called to love. To be Love.

  If we are Love and if Christ is truly living in our hearts His love and kindness will flow through us.

Oh what we say we live... Is it really true? Or are we just a bunch of great actors playing different roles in Satan's stage?

All or nothing.

Our hearts can't be half filled with Christ and half filled with Satan.
Christ can't dwell where Satan is welcome.

Who are we serving? What life are we truly living? Are we really who we betray?

Monday, April 20, 2015

If You Do Not love Love...

Tears spring up in my eyes... He alone is what fills my heart. He is my only peace and joy. Without Him I am nothing. I long for more of His love--more of Him!

My heart longs for every soul to experience this...

Is it real? Is the life we profess true? Or is it all a front to "fit in" and look like a "good" person.

We say we love Him...But do we truly love Him? Do you truly love Him more than anything in this world?
My heart feels such a deep longing for every soul on this earth to experience true living. To experience what it is to truly live in Him. And to see His love and character that is ohh, soo beautiful!

Without truly knowing Him we can't truly love Him...And we can't truly love those around us because our source of Love is from Christ.

He is all Love. Therefore you also should be all Love! Is the life you're living Love? Is your heart Love? Are your actions Love? Are your words Love? Are you Love?
             You can not be Love if you do not love Love! (Christ)

Thursday, April 16, 2015

99% Is Not Enough

Total surrender...
   99% is not enough.
We can't give God our hearts and not our dreams.

  Sometimes we think we are fully surrendered but if you look deep into your heart you will find there are still things you  haven't let go. Though as small as they might seem, they are just as big as any others.

  It is only in complete surrender that perfect peace can be found. Only in complete surrender and reliance on Christ that true happiness will flood your soul. My friend, believe it to be possible to have a ever urging welt of happiness springing up inside your heart!

  Often times an extra amount of happiness will spring up inside me. I feel as if I'll explode with joy. At that moment tears push hard to show themselves for my cup of joy is running over. My heart fills with gratitude for it is not my circumstances that bring such joy. It is Jesus, and Him alone.

  Tears fill my eyes...
My heart longs for every soul to feel His love...
To be secure in Him...
To have perfect peace...And happiness that has no end.
To experience complete surrender and see the beauty of it.
The absolute joy...
It is only found in complete--100%--surrender.
  It is in complete surrender that His plan can fully unravel into the beautiful story He has in store for you.

  Complete surrender is not a sacrifice but a gift.